Hike from the Lengmoos earth pyramids to the Unterinn earth pyramids. fl, 30. October 202230. October 2022 The hike begins in Maria Saal, a small village between Lengmoos and Lengstein. We follow trail no. 24 southwards and can admire the Lengmoos earth pyramids at the numerous viewing platforms. In the village of “Plattl”, we turn left downhill onto trail no. 21A and follow this until we reach the “Atzwanger Aussicht”, which offers a beautiful view of the lower Eisacktal valley and the Dolomite mountains opposite. From here we go downhill on trail no. 21 until we reach the Keschtnweg (chestnut trail). Follow the Keschtnweg in a south-westerly direction past numerous vineyards and beautifully situated farms until you reach Siffian. Here we can drink and eat at the Hofschank “Rielinger”. We continue along the Keschtnweg with a beautiful view of the Stein ruins below us. Finally we descend steeply into the Rösslerbach Graben and then a second time down into the Gasterer Graben where we admire the beautiful Unterinner earth pyramids on a elevated platform. After a long rest, we continue through the forest and apple orchards and soon reach the village of Unterinn. From here we take bus 165 back to Maria Saal. Ähnliche Beiträge Allgemein